Monday, May 2, 2011

And now...the rest of the story...

So anyway...after Nick tried to drown me, get me lost, and have me annihilated by crazy Italian drivers we went to set up our show which I mentioned in a previous post.  The show was quite a lot of fun; it was wonderful to see everyone's art work.

After the reception we went out to dinner as a group.  Dr. Touchette, our program director, found a charming restaurant in Testaccio, one of Roma's more colorful neighborhoods.  The dinner, as all our dinners tend to be, was fabulous, filled with good food and plenty of laughter.  I will miss these gatherings.

Saturday, one of my fellow students, Codie Schumann, presented her final project; an interactive sculptural/public performance piece.  Her theme was to demonstrate the difficulties of interacting in a foreign culture where directions, even if understood, can be vague and seemingly random.  She accomplished this by having people bob for fruit and read the directions for the project with the fruit in their mouths. 
The instructions.

Codie getting things started right!

Next victim?

Way to go, Nick!

I wonder if I should...

"Can you tell me what that says?"

Joel's turn.

And one brave Italian

As much fun as it was to watch the participants maneuver through the linguistic maze Codie had set up, the reaction of the spectators was the best part of the event. 

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